Well, it's a fact, we've been pretty lax about doing much work in the backyard farm over the winter, but Spring is in the air and the Bluebird Farm team is getting back into the swing of things. We have big plans for the farm this season, but we'll save the details for upcoming posts, as you will get to see things happen along with us. For now, here's a couple pics of a neighbor's urban garden near my cousin, Kimberly's home in West Seattle- I found it very inspiring to see someone making the most of a very limited space, which others might not even realize could ever be so productive. Get out there and look around, you may have space in your life for a farm right under your nose!
I absolutely love raised beds, especially Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardens, like those pictured above. You put down some weed barrier under your own soil mix, and plant different complementary plants in the divided squares, and get ready to have an abundant, virtually weed free garden in no time. If you are sharp, you may have already inferred that these raised beds got my brain going and may have some influence on our upcoming season's garden configuration.
We'll sign off for now with a pic of our lovely laying hens, and their protective Rooster, Julia enjoying a bit of a drink in the freshly mowed backyard..
Chickens Pictured, clockwise from top: Julia (Bantam Buff Rooster), Hidey, Silver Laced Wyandote, Peck Peck V, Barred Rock, Poppel, Polish Bantam, Rosie, Rhode Island Red, and Lavendar 1, Bantam Sultan..